Fourth Grade Student Responsibilities
Hello class. I would like to take a poll to see what you think the top 5 responsibilities are to be a successful fourth grade student. These responsibilities should be written in complete sentence form and clearly communicate why you believe they are important. I am looking forward to reading your responses. Have a great weekend!
At 6:39 AM, Anonymous said…
This is a test to teach my students how to respond to a Blog.
At 6:51 AM, Anonymous said…
Mrs.Jones I was wondering when we are doing more group projects.
At 6:55 AM, Anonymous said…
When are we doing an other book project.
At 7:02 AM, Anonymous said…
First, a student needs to turn his or her work in . Ofcorse a student needs to be polite in class so you don't disturbe other kids while there working.Also you need to be good in class or you might get intruble. you need to be friendly to your fellow classmates. And you need to be respectful to your teacher. Have a good weekend too !!
At 7:06 AM, Anonymous said…
One responsibility is to turn your work on time. Two you should always tell the truth. Three is you should respect your teacher. Four is you should be here on time. Five is you should litsen to your teacher.
At 7:12 AM, Anonymous said…
you need to turn in your homework so you don't get a late work noites just like Mrs.fone said turn your work in.
At 7:12 AM, Anonymous said…
Responsibilitiy helps us to do the right thing. Like doing what you are susposed to do when Mrs.Jones says to do it. Also, being nice to people is a responsibilitiy. Next, is to turn in your work on time. Finally, you are susposed to be quit when a teacher or anybody is in the class room.
At 7:13 AM, Anonymous said…
One is to bring your homework in on time,
also you have to be honest to the teacher
be nice to others,respect others and there
things,you also have to remember don't hurt others with your words.
At 7:13 AM, Anonymous said…
I think the 5 responsibilities are 1.benice to others 2.respict the tearcher anoust not hit others 5.lisson to the tearcher
At 7:21 AM, Anonymous said…
Don't ferget to tell the turth,put your name on your paper,get your points so you can play.
At 7:23 AM, Anonymous said…
First, a student has to turn in her or his work.You need to be polit to your teacher.You need to be respectful to your classmates and other teachers too.You need to put your paper.You need to be nice to the computer or you willbe taken of it.
At 7:27 AM, Anonymous said…
To be responsible and not to be meane to you and to every studnt and tell the truth and be good to are activity and are subsuts and all the people. and people who come in the class and not to get in cherubl.
At 7:28 AM, Anonymous said…
First,the students sould listen to you,they
should turn all there work in.they should try
not to git late nodises at all.they should
not stay in at recess.they should not
try to have home work.
At 7:29 AM, Anonymous said…
First,a student should be respectfull and we need to treat others the way we want to be.Raise your hand when you have a question.You should accept others.You need to show appreciation.Take care of ourselfs mind and body.
At 6:28 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Mrs.Jones from Red!!!!!!
At 2:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 12:31 PM, Anonymous said…
your the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 12:34 PM, Anonymous said…
At 6:09 PM, Anonymous said…
bee a goood persson and havee funn but bee kindd!!!!:) :)
At 6:10 PM, Anonymous said…
At 1:07 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi,Mrs.Jones I relly miss you alot!
At 12:03 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Mrs.jones how are you doing i hope well hows kennedy and jakson kieth? I for got ur wep site was so fun so I always come here and have a great time=] If im allowed to its up to you weather I do or not to. Uhh im gettin bord so il talk to you later by the way its Michael
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